Long time no blog!

Hi strangers! It's been over a year since my last post - I guess time kind of ran away with me. And then I went and had a baby.

Evie was born on March 21st and is just the peachiest peach in all the land. I could just sit and ramble on about her for days but I shall save that for another day. Here's a quick summary of whats gone on in the last year;

  • intermitted from university 
  • worked full time as youth support worker
  • fell pregnant
  • had to intermit for another year
  • had baby (tends to happen at the end of a pregnancy)
  • so currently on maternity leave winging this whole parenting gig
In terms of ~mental health~ things are on the up. I was on Citalopram from April 2014 until about two months ago. I was on it throughout my pregnancy as it was safer to stay on it and monitor Evie than it was to come off it before I'd been on it for a year (they're the rules apparently - you have to be on it for a year before coming off). Anyway, she had very, very mild withdrawal after being born but nothing to be concerned about, just made her a bit jittery for a week or so. I'm now embarking on a CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) journey. My next post will be an outline of my CBT so far - I may do a week by week overview after each session. 

So this was just a quick update before next time, hopefully I'll get round to it soon while juggling babies, milk, sick, toys and constantly ensuring Sophie the Giraffe stays firmly in the pushchair or in Evie's hands and not on the floor.

Going from nights out in Brighton to playing pick up sticks with a toy giraffe, what a difference a year makes eh?

Stay excellent,

e, x 

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