
Parents sacrifice a lot, that goes without saying. We sacrifice our sleep, our boobs, our "me" time. I even sacrificed a MAC lipstick once (RIP Mehr). 

Sacrifice is defined as "an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy". 

Ok, so maybe I didn't quite sacrifice Mehr. But I did sacrifice my job. 

It was kind of a given that I was going to have to give up my job once I had Evie. 
I was a Programme Support Worker for NCS and my role involved driving 42 miles to Eastbourne daily and then going away for weeks at a time 3 times a year. It was time consuming and fuel consuming and I very often took my job home with me. But I did it because I loved it. Very rarely do you find a job you love that much. 

I am working now, and I enjoy it, but the job doesn't ignite anything within me. If an advert for NCS comes on, I have to turn the TV over or walk away. It hurts my heart to watch it. 
Sometimes I look at Paul and I resent the fact that he didn't have to give up his job. And it's doubly not fair because he's not as passionate about his job. But then I look at Evie and I feel so guilty because she is that something "more important or worthy". But that doesn't stop the achey heart pains. 

And so today, as I was walking through town, I saw a stand of NCS kids doing their social action project. Instead of walking away being secretly a bit sad, I went to speak to them. I found it who they were raising money for and I bought Evie a teddy polar bear from their bric-a-brac. Then I got the email address for their coordinator. I thought, fuck it. Why can't I have it all? At the minute I'm working for a pretty measly pay check when really, I want to be working to feed my soul. 

So here's to chasing after your dreams, even ones you willingly gave up. Because if I know one thing, it's if you have something worth holding on to, you hold onto it. Or you work your arse off to get it back.